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Regional & Thematic Groups
Regional & Thematic Groups
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Adam Jerzy CZARTORYSKI (1975-1976)
Albert EINSTEIN (2010-2011)
Alcide DE GASPERI (1954-1955)
Alexis DE TOCQUEVILLE (1996-1997)
Altiero SPINELLI (1987-1988)
Anna POLITKOVSKAYA & Hrant DINK (2007-2008)
Antoine DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY (1950-1951)
Aristide BRIAND (1974-1975)
ARISTOTLE (2000-2001)
August VERMEYLEN (1962-1963)
Bertha VON SUTTNER (2002-2003)
Charles DARWIN (2009-2010)
Charles IV (1992-1993)
Christopher COLOMBUS (1985-1986)
Christopher DAWSON (1988-1989)
COMENIUS (1967-1968)
Dante ALIGHIERI (1971-1972)
Denis DE ROUGEMONT (1989-1990)
Eliane VOGEL-POLSKY (2021-2022)
ERASMUS (1953-1954)
Frédéric CHOPIN (2015-2016)
Fridtjof NANSEN (1958-1959)
George C. MARSHALL (1966-1967)
Giovanni FALCONE and Paolo BORSELLINO (2014-2015)
Giuseppe MAZZINI (1973-1974)
Gottfried Wilhelm LEIBNIZ (1961-1962)
Hannah ARENDT (2019 - 2020)
Hans & Sophie SCHOLL (1990-1991)
Hendrik BRUGMANS (1997-1998)
Henry the Navigator (1957-1958)
Jean MONNET (1980-1981)
Jean REY (1983-1984)
Johan Willem BEYEN (1981-1982)
John LOCKE (2003-2004)
John Maynard KEYNES (2016-2017)
Joseph BECH (1982-1983)
Juan VIVES (1951-1952)
Karl RENNER (1977-1978)
Konrad ADENAUER (1968-1969)
Leonardo DA VINCI (1998-1999)
Ludwig VAN BEETHOVEN (2005-2006)
Madame DE STAËL (1984-1985)
Manuel MARĺN (2018-2019)
Marcus AURELIUS (2008-2009)
Marie SKLODOWSKA-CURIE (2011-2012)
Mario SOARES (2020 - 2021)
MONTESQUIEU (2004-2005)
Nicolaus COPERNICUS (2006-2007)
Paul-Henri SPAAK (1978-1979)
Peter Paul RUBENS (1976-1977)
Préparatoire (1949)
Ramon LLULL (1994-1995)
Raoul DAUTRY (1956-1957)
Richard N. COUDENHOVE-KALERGI (1972-1973)
Robert SCHUMAN (1964-1965)
Saint-Simon (1960-1961)
Salvador DE MADARIAGA (1979-1980)
Simone VEIL (2017-2018)
Simon STEVIN (2001-2002)
Stefan ZWEIG (1993-1994)
SULLY (1959-1960)
Thomas MORE (1965-1966)
Thomas PAINE (1963-1964)
Tomas Garrigue MASARYK (1952-1953)
Václav HAVEL (2012-2013)
VIRGILE (1955-1956)
VOLTAIRE (2013-2014)
Walter HALLSTEIN (1995-1996)
Wilhelm & Alexander VON HUMBOLDT (1999-2000)
William I of Orange - Guillaume le Taciturne (1969-1970)
William PENN (1986-1987)
Winston CHURCHILL (1970-1971)
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1991-1992)
CoE Campus
College of Europe - Bruges
College of Europe - Natolin
CoE Department
Architecture Centre (AC)
EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies
European Economic Studies
European Economic Studies (EEIB: European Economic Integration and Business)
European Economic Studies (ELEA: European Law and Economic Analysis)
European Economic Studies (EPPA: European Public Policy Analysis)
European Human Resources Studies
European Interdisciplinary Studies
European Legal Studies (ELEA: European Law and Economic Analysis)
European Legal studies
European Political and Administrative Studies
European Political and Administrative Studies (EPPA: European Public Policy Analysis)
European Studies
Master of Arts in Transatlantic Affairs (MATA)
Social Sciences Department (SOC)
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